Author Profile

Sam Olyaei

Sam Olyaei

VP, Team Manager

十年在Gartner, 14年的工作经验

Location: PA USA |Language(s): English

Roles and Responsibilities

Sam Olyaei is a Vice President in Gartner Research, where he is a part of the Risk and Security Management group. Mr. Olyaei brings diverse and international experience in cybersecurity practices to Gartner clients and constituents. He regularly advises Chief Information Security Officers, Chief Information Officers, Chief Risk Officers and non-IT executives on maturing their security and risk practices with cutting edge research and thought leadership. Specifically, his domain focuses on strategy, governance, staffing/talent management, policies, metrics, and executive/board reporting. Based in Philadelphia, he is a regular speaker and presenter at Security Summits and Industry Events worldwide.


Previous Experience

Prior to joining Gartner, Mr. Olyaei held various roles working for vendors and consultants specializing in incident response, e-discovery, forensics and investigations.

Professional Background

  • Southport Harbor Associates, Associate, 2 years
  • Stroz Friedberg, E-Discovery Analyst, 2 years


  • B.A., Economics, Fairfield University
  • B.A., International Studies, Fairfield University
  • M.B.A., International Business, Quinnipiac University