Audit and Risk

Build Chief Audit Executive Influence and Strategic Leadership

|1 hour

With the speed of risk, the pace of change and the degree of uncertainty reaching high levels, business leaders seek relationships with colleagues they can trust and can help them succeed. Yet, many chief auditing executives (CAEs) have found it challenging to intentionally position themselves as a trusted business partner who can help internal stakeholders achieve their objectives. Effective CAEs need communication skills that work across the enterprise, and also the capabilities to deliver on the auditing initiatives they espouse. This complimentary audit webinar shares the soft and hard skills CAEs need to assert greater influence, and how they can acquire or improve on these capabilities.

  • Clearly articulate the CAE’s role and value to the organization
  • Develop soft skills to get things done and work with others in the organization
  • Build trust-based relationships with business partners

Contact us atgartnerwebinars@gartner.comwith questions about viewing this webinar.

Hosted by

Tim Berichon

Sr Director Analyst

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