Tech and Service Providers

Is Sustainability the New Digital? Opportunities for Services Providers in 2023

|1 hour, 5 minutes

Similar to digital business a decade ago, sustainability was once a niche concern, but has rapidly risen up the corporate strategic agenda. Leading providers are taking this as an emerging opportunity in services by building or acquiring sustainability consulting capabilities. Join this complimentary webinar where Gartner experts help you to set clear sustainability targets linked to broader organization’s goals and objections.

  • Discover the opportunities in sustainability consulting, including what it is and why you need it

  • Align clients value propositions with sustainability development

  • Investigate challenges that providers face, and identify ways in which to address them

Return to this web page to watch this webinar. Contact us atgartnerwebinars@gartner.comwith questions about viewing this webinar.

Hosted by

Aapo Markkanen

Sr Director Analyst

Brendan Williams

Sr Director Analyst

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