Audit and Risk

Strategy to Action: Your Roadmap to Navigate Corporate Sustainability Risks

|30 minutes

General counsel, heads of enterprise risk management and other business leaders must understand and address the risks of corporate sustainability laws, regulations and commitments to business operations. This complimentary webinar provides corporate leaders with a roadmap for navigating these legal and business risks in the aftermath of the COP26 global climate change conference. You will learn how leading organizations integrate sustainability risks into their decision-making processes and create effective disclosures of their sustainability practices.

Discussion Topics:
  • Outline the changing legal and regulatory risks surrounding corporate sustainability
  • Get best practices for corporate disclosures on climate risk, corporate sustainability and executive compensation
  • Integrate sustainability commitments into your strategic plan and operational decision making

Additionally, we invite you to register for other webinars in this series:

Sustainability Strategy to Action: Business Response to COP26

Strategy to Action: 5 Steps CIOs Can Take to Sustainable IT

Strategy to Action: Create New Value With a Digital Sustainability Platform

Return to this web page to watch the webinar. Contact us atgartnerwebinars@gartner.comwith questions about watching.

Hosted by

Drew Tanenbaum

导演, Advisory

Abbott Martin

VP, Research, KI Leader

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