Tech and Service Providers

The Gartner Top Trends for Tech Providers in 2023

|1 hour

What trends will most impact the 2023 agenda for tech and service providers? They must be ready to embrace and exploit a wide range of trends this year, including product-led growth, federated enterprise tech buying, marketing and CX using metaverse tech, and digital marketplaces. How do you determine which trends you especially need to track and which will most impact your organization? Join this complimentary webinar as a panel of Gartner experts reveal which trends loom largest on the 2023 radar for tech and service provider leaders, and what they must do to turn those trends to their advantage.

  • Identify the top trends that will impact tech and service providers in 2023

  • Determine how these trends will manifest, and what growth you can expect

  • Get key takeaways for each key trend and what they mean for tech & service providers

Return to this web page to watch the webinar. Contact us atgartnerwebinars@gartner.comwith questions about registering or watching.

Hosted by

Rajesh Kandaswamy

Distinguished VP Analyst


David Yockelson

VP Analyst


Anushree Verma

Director Analyst

Anshul Gupta

Sr Director Analyst

Christopher Marshall

VP Analyst

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