Audit and Risk

The Top Priorities for Enterprise Risk Management Leaders in 2023 (APAC)

|1 hour

企业风险管理(ERM) guidi领导人ng risk management in an ever-changing risk environment, needing programs to change to meet the operational complexity of our enterprises. The standard ERM life cycle focuses us on our most significant risks, but our daily decisions may not correspond neatly with these risks. If ERM does not expand beyond these activities, we will miss out on significant chances to contribute value and enhance the organisation's overall risk management. In order to maintain their effectiveness, risk leaders are identifying novel approaches to bring value and enhance risk management in their enterprises. Join this free webinar for the Asia-Pacific region which will provide an overview of how progressive risk teams are positioning themselves to deliver more insightful and effective risk management in 2023 and beyond.

  • Learn about ERM’s role in driving organisational resilience

  • Understand how ERM can drive risk-informed decisions through risk appetite

  • Discover how risk culture can be utilised to strengthen risk management

Return to this web page to watch the webinar. Contact us atgartnerwebinars@gartner.comwith questions about viewing this webinar.

Hosted by

Alex Ossington

Sr. Principal, Advisory

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