Tech and Service Providers

IT Spending Forecast, 2Q22 Update: Address the Critical IT Skill Shortage

|1 hour

The global business community suffers from a critical IT skills shortage. Technology service providers wrestle with record-high attrition rates, and CIOs struggle to maintain their current staffing levels. The trajectory of IT spending is being forced to curve around significant staff shortages in key IT areas. In response, technology service providers are hiring as quickly as possible, and they face increasing challenges to do so. CIOs now require more business value from the IT department, but most IT departments are already overworked and understaffed. Unfortunately, this is not a short-term problem as critical shortages will remain through 2023. In this complimentary webinar, Gartner experts review the global IT spending forecast, gauge reactions from CIOs on the skills shortage, and help technology service providers attract new talent and maintain growth in a skills-constrained environment.
• Examine Gartner forecasts for IT spending growth in 2022 and beyond
• Determine how to attract and retain staff with critical skills
• Explore the winning and losing markets

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