Tools to manageandfund growth

Strategic cost optimization: Decide where to cut, protect and invest

The support you need to make good decisions about where and how to cut costs in the short term — then optimize performance in parts of the business you want to protect, and support enterprise growth by funding the right initiatives.

Diagnose Current State

Leaders are asking:

  • How can I achieve a baseline for cost optimization?
  • What benchmarks can I use to supportcost managementinitiatives?
  • How can I improve financial transparency to support cost optimization?

How Gartner helps:

Compareyour function’s spend and efficiency to that of your peers withGartner的基准

Assessthe state of your function and processes using Gartner maturity assessments

Identifywhere your function’s performance matters most to your business leaders using our business alignment tools

Develop Your Plan

Leaders are asking:

  • Where should I look for short-term cost reductions?
  • How can I identify critical resources to protect in my budget?
  • How can I identify noncritical resources to reduce or eliminate?
  • How can I work across functions to identify the best approach to cost optimization?

How Gartner helps:

Learnabout our proven approach to strategic cost optimization — to eliminate cost in the short term, optimize what you want to protect and support enterprise growth by funding the right initiatives.

Evaluateyour cost optimization ideas usingdecision frameworksand maps.

Prioritizefunctional improvements needed to support growth and align to changes in the business.

Connectwith peers to share and stress-test ideas.

Execute and Drive Change

Leaders are asking:

  • How can my leadership team support each other during cost reduction efforts?
  • How can I ensure I get a fair deal on critical technology investments?
  • How should I communicate to stakeholders about cost optimization?
  • What metrics are most important to measure cost optimization success?

How Gartner helps:

Determine what technology spendyou really need to meet business outcomes. UseGartner BuySmartto rightsize technology spend.

Leverage tools such asThe CIO Roadmap to Strategic Cost Optimizationto effectively implement and communicate your cost optimization initiatives.

Transform processesfor more effective, quality delivery against your function’s goals. Utilize technology to automate, eliminate and rationalize routine and predictable work.

Build supportfor your cost optimization initiatives with our advice and tools on collaboration and communication. UseGartner cost optimization decision frameworkto communicate trade-offs.

Learn more about other tools you'll need to drive growth and efficiency

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