Optimize Technology Content Marketing Campaign Strategy

Technology content marketing insight to build awareness and demand generation

Content marketers need effective demand generation programs to drive growth

在这些前所未有的disru时期ption, tech content marketers face new challenges in reaching target audiences. To succeed, marketers must elevate their content strategy and outperform competitors who are quickly improving their own digital marketing programs.

Achieving two conversions on the marketing campaign gave us upwards of 10x ROI on our Gartner Flex Reprints investment.

Vice President, Global Communications and Content, Leading Digital Business Platform Company

How we address your top content marketing challenges

Connecting and building trust with your customers is critical in today’s disruptive environment. Gartner provides the insights and best practices you need to drive and convert quality leads as well as the branded research to connect and stay top-of-mind with your audience.

Build a Successful Campaign Marketing Strategy

From messaging and positioning to accelerating leads through the funnel and crafting a successful campaign marketing strategy, tech content marketers today face numerous challenges. The Gartner for Tech Content Marketers solution delivers insights to assess and pivot campaign strategies to maximize ROI.

Take Your Marketing Content to the Next Level

Nearly 50% of buyers prefer to see third-party thought leadership content over other content types from a vendor they are considering. Gartner Flex Reprints allow you to use Gartner-branded research and insights in your marketing campaigns.

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