Gartner for Information Technology Executives

Get actionable, objective insight for you and your team. Gartner for Information Technology Executives can help you as digitalization transforms business, and IT leaders have an unprecedented opportunity to lead the business to digital success.

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Download your AI strategy planner Download your AI strategy planner

Build a Value-Driven AI Strategy for Your Business

Use this workbook to create a sound, holistic and achievable strategy that captures the value while managing the risks of AI in a sustainable way.

Get Your Next Tech Purchase Right with Gartner BuySmart™

Backed by actionable, objective insight from Gartner, BuySmart helps you save time, collaborate effectively and streamline the entire tech purchasing process. With technology templates that empower you to manage priorities and requirements, and vendor evaluations that help you shortlist your choices, BuySmart gives you the guidance and tools you need to invest confidently.

Download Now: Technology Adoption Roadmap Download Now: Technology Adoption Roadmap

Accelerate Growth with the Tech Adoption Roadmap

Benchmark technologies to learn where your peers are finding real business returns and where they face significant deployment risks.

Download Now: One Minute Insight: Generative AI Adoption & Use Download Now: One Minute Insight: Generative AI Adoption & Use

One Minute Insight: Generative AI Adoption & Use

Where do IT leaders say their organizations currently stand on adoption and use? Tap into the power of your peers.

Download Your Guide To IT Strategic Plan Download Your Guide To IT Strategic Plan

Build an IT Strategic Plan That You Will Actually Use

Find out how to avoid 7 costly planning mistakes — featuring a one-page template to communicate your plan to the board and your peers.

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Client Success Stories

See how Gartner helped other companies achieve their information technology goals

Fueling Digital Transformation Through Innovative Solutions

Faurecia, a global automotive supplier, needed to fuel its digital strategy with innovations that differentiated its services to gain competitive advantage. Gartner research and advisory services helped IT at Faurecia create an effective digital transformation strategy and achieve business buy-in with the CEO and board of directors.

Adopting Digital Innovation in Business and Culture Through Data & Analytics

Russell Reynolds Associates, a global leadership advisory firm, sought to leverage its access to information and insights to provide valuable advice to its clients through data & analytics. Gartner provided expert guidance and tools to help promote adoption of technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, to create a resilient business culture that accelerates change.

Transforming From a Legacy Bank Into an Innovative Digital Bank

With a clear vision of becoming a leading (neo) digital bank, the client, a new entity separated from the parent bank, was challenged with upgrading its core services to cater to changing customer needs.

Transformation of the Energy System Underpinned by the Power of Technology

TransGrid’s CIO, Russell Morris, leverages Gartner services to support the implementation of digital transformation programs, which includes taking traditional investments in technology and refreshing them for the modern age. Driving innovation that guides decision making in IT, building out new infrastructure and cost optimization are the most critical priorities.

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