Gartner Research

Tracking the Career Paths of IT PMO and EPMO Leaders

Effectively plan your career path based on insights from more than 200 PMO and EPMO leaders.

Expert(s):PMO Research Team

As PMOs adapt to the shift to Agile and product management, PMO leaders have an opportunity to consider a wide array of career paths. The findings in this infographic are based on analyses of publicly available LinkedIn profiles for two groups of PMO leaders:

  • Fifty-six IT PMO and 44 EPMO leaders currently in the role
  • One hundred and four IT PMO and 33 EPMO leaders who were in the role five years ago

The primary research was conducted online from May 2021 through June 2021. We performed analyses to answer two key questions that are in the minds of PMO and EPMO leaders:

  • What career experiences do my peers have?
  • What career paths have IT PMO and EPMO leaders before me followed?

IT and enterprise PMO leaders should use this infographic to gain insights from the career paths of their peers and to plan for their next role.

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