Gartner Expert

Thomas Pocock

Sr Director, Advisory

Thomas Pocock is a Director, Advisor in the Supply Chain Sourcing and Procurement Team. Mr. Pocock has worked for Gartner (and previously with CEB) for 14 years.

In his current role, Mr. Pocock works with Heads of Procurement and their team members across a variety of industries and countries. He works with them on all aspects of Procurement including talent management, functional strategy creation, category strategy creation, establishing and maintaining a supplier relationship management program, managing supplier risk, and increasing Procurement's influence within the business.

This work includes advising on best practice examples, facilitating strategy-building sessions, and conducting training workshops both in person and virtually.

Previous experience

Previously at CEB, Mr. Pocock worked as an Account Manager for Procurement and Real Estate to understand his clients' business challenges and to recommend relevant resources and support from CEB.

Through this work, Mr. Pocock has developed a keen understanding of the typical root causes of challenges facing Procurement functions, and the solutions that other organizations have found to overcome these challenges.

Areas of coverage

Sourcing and Procurement

Procurement Management



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Top Issues That I Help Clients Address

1Developing business-aligned category strategies

2Establishing and maintaining a supplier relationship management program

3Improving procurement's internal selling ability

4Digital transformation for Procurement

5Talent management for Procurement