Third Party Risk Management (TPRM)

Identify, monitor, and mitigate third party risks

Mitigate new third party risks

More than80% of legal and compliance leaders tell us that third-party risks were identifiedafterinitial onboarding and due diligence, suggesting traditional due diligence methods in risk management policy fail to capture new and evolving risks.

Download our free research to learn how to:

  • Streamline upfront due diligence to focus on critical risks
  • Create relationship controls to compel compliance
  • Establish business-driven methods for ongoing risk management analysis

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    In my role, in any executive role, you have your day-to-day work, but you’re also tasked with being strategic. That’s difficult to do with competing timeframes, with everything else going on. Using Gartner allows me to be more strategic more efficiently, while still getting everything else done.

    General Counsel, Retail Organization

    Third party risk management needs a new approach

    Third party risk was identified as a top threat by compliance leaders in 2019. In fact, 83% of executives tell us that third party risks were identified after initial onboarding and due diligence. As these external partnerships become increasingly complex, the need for a new vendor risk management approach is clear. Current monitoring approaches cannot account for inevitable changes in business today.

    83% of legal and compliance leaders identify third-party risks after due diligence
    71% of organizations report their third-party network contains more third parties than it did three years ago. The same percentage reports their third-party network will grow even larger in the next three years.

    Manage growing third party risk with new risk management strategies

    71% of organizations report that their third party network contains more vendors than it did three years ago. The rapidly changing business environment demands new approaches to third party risk management that account for the new ways that organizations rely on third parties to advance business goals.

    Insights you can use

    Gartner provides the research, tools and advice legal and compliance executives need to create strong third party risk management strategies. Use these insights to identify and monitor third party risk in your organization while promoting strategic risk-taking for business growth.

    Coordinate Third Party Risk Monitoring and Reporting with Aligned Assurance

    More than 80% of legal and compliance leaders tell us that third-party risks were identified after initial onboarding and due diligence. This Virtual Briefing breaks down the key elements of third-party risk management, highlighting opportunities for assurance alignment and cooperation.

    Learn the Benefits of Third Party Partnerships

    60% of organizations work with over 1,000 third parties, and these numbers will only continue to increase as business ecosystems expand and become more complex. Gartner insights can help you identify, manage and harness third party risk in your organization for business growth.

    Adopt a New Approach to Third Party Risk Management

    As organizations increasingly work with a large number of third parties, it’s more important than ever to maintain a strong risk management strategy. This article explores three key actions to take to implement an iterative approach to ongoing monitoring of third party risk.

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    How do we support risk management?

    Sonia Galindo, former General Counsel and Corporate Secretary at Rosetta Stone, describes how Gartner helped the organization strengthen its global risk management strategy.

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