Gartner for Marketers Research

Expert ResearchJuly 24, 2020

Heed Complex Consumer Safety Expectations for a Reopened Economy

Nearly 50% of consumers say they would require a cure or vaccine for COVID-19 before they would be willing to engage in one or more surveyed nonessential public activities.

As businesses begin to reopen, brand reputations and corporate performance outcomes are at stake. CMOs are best positioned to understand the expectations of their differentiated customer targets. To drive business outcomes, they must take into account not just the legalities of doing business amid a global pandemic, but also consumer sentiments. Download our research to learn how to:

  • Anticipate consumer behavior and determine a brand’s ability to satisfy consumers’ terms
  • Identify the influence of demographics on consumers’ safety measure priorities
  • Determine the level of consumer readiness to reengage in nonessential activities

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