The Gartner Supply Chain Top 25 for 2023

Gartner’s Supply Chain Top 25 identifies, celebrates and profiles global supply chain excellence.

Gartner Supply Chain Top 25 2023

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Discover the global supply chain that ranked highest for supply chain excellence

Superior supply chains don’t just push products; they deliver on the business’s purpose. The Gartner Supply Chain Top 25 is a renowned annual ranking of the world’s superior supply chains.

The 2023 eBook shares a comprehensive list of the top global supply chain companies operating today. Download the Gartner Supply Chain Top 25 eBook for:

  • An up-close look at leading supply chains
  • Strategies to reach new heights with yours
  • Peer benchmarks to make the case for supply chain transformation

3 success drivers among the Gartner Supply Chain Top 25 for 2023

Every year we research hundreds of supply chains to understand key priorities and investments. Three supply chain trends are accelerating capabilities at the best supply chain companies.

An antifragile supply chain is a competitive advantage

The companies ranked in this year’s Gartner Supply Chain Top 25 leverage relationships,supply chain technologies and digital transformationand new service models to retain and grow revenue with customers, both old and new.

These supply chains and others like them are not only driving growth for their companies, but also developing sophisticated capabilities insupply chain risk management.Such capabilities enable rapid recovery from activesupply chain disruptionsas well as the ability to anticipate and avoid yet unseen risks.

Regardless of your industry, the success of thefuture supply chainwill depend on investments made now in the supply chain capabilities that position the company to be stronger and more profitable over competitors. During these turbulent times, an antifragile strategy is what allows the top supply chain companies to take advantage of opportunities for growth and elevate the role of supply chain within the business — all while remaining agile and resilient.

Realize sustainability through partnering, data sharing and collective action

增刊ly chain executives today are accountable for work that spans value chains; without collective action, they will be challenged to meet and solve these critical objectives.

Asupply chain managementapproach that relies on many-to-many ecosystems (versus one-to-many networks) helps the top supply chain companies achieve and scalesupply chain sustainability. Some of the specific areas where we see this dynamic include:

  • Net zero emission.Provide suppliers with training on, and incentives for, renewable energy sources as part of the established supplier relationship and performance management strategy.

  • Living wages.Partner with both NGOs and governments to raise living standards and ensure everyone who directly provides goods and services to their company earns a living wage or income.

  • 再生农业。Food & beverage, apparel and supply chains originating on farms are joining together to define standards and practices for regenerative agriculture and build solutions. With the assistance of third parties, they are likewise setting the premiums paid for goods certified as “regenerative.” Some supply chains are investing jointly with others to deliver the training and infrastructure required to meet these standards.

增刊ly chain trends and expectations for sustainability will only continue to increase, and so will the type and number of use cases where many-to-many ecosystems are required. It is imperative that supply chain organizations transform strategy from activating one-to-many networks to engaging many-to-many ecosystems. Key to the success of the best supply chain companies is developing partnering and data-sharing capabilities, establishing governance and, importantly, shaping mindsets.

Connected people and solutions enable key supply chain and business outcomes

Global chief supply chain officers (GCSCOs)understand that redefining the skills, roles, relationships and structures within their organization is critical to driving high performance and engagement. We see this intersection point in thesupply chain transformation strategy, specifically in how technology is used to interact with customers and employees.

  • The most advanced consumer products companies have developed “ground truth” in terms of on-shelf availability with retailers through inbound traceability, machine vision, sell-through data and predictive algorithms. In B2B, there is similar tracking of inventory replenishment and consumption with customers. These capabilities allow for more synchronized daily operations and planning. Furthermore, to deploy people on a more strategic level, leading companies have teams embedded within customer organizations for joint innovation and problem solving.

  • 增刊ly chain leaders can use technology solutions to alter the ways employees approach their jobs. These solutions allow workers to maintain awareness of their environments, to boost productivity and to drive innovation and collaboration with others. Many companies consider the machines working alongside and in support of human workers to be an extension of their workforce. Significant investments have been made in technology solutions for factory and warehouse floors: Automation, digitalization and analytics can drive higher efficiency and product quality in these environments.

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Related Resources: Gartner Supply Chain Top 25

The renowned Gartner research on supply chain rankings is now in its 19th year.

FAQ on the Gartner Supply Chain Top 25

Trusted data is what determines the Gartner Supply Chain Top 25. Rankings are derived from financial and corporate social responsibility metrics and community opinion.

  • Financial metrics: Return on physical assets, inventory turns and revenue growth

  • Corporate social responsibility metrics: An index of trusted third-party environmental, social and governance (ESG) measures

  • Community opinion: Two independent panels — a Gartner analyst/expert panel and a global peer panel

Learn more on gartner.comabout the Gartner Supply Chain Top 25 methodology and how to participate in the community peer vote.

Ranking in the Gartner Supply Chain Top 25 is a point of pride and validation for the efforts of the supply chain team, as well as the company at large. The prestige that the Gartner Supply Chain Top 25 carries helps elevate the role of supply chain in the business and promote its innovation and leadership capability. A Top 25 Supply Chain ranking serves as a lever to attract, engage and retain critical supply chain talent, and may even be used as a performance management incentive.

Consistent with the purposes of the Gartner Supply Chain Top 25 study, we believe that the sharing of best practices should be done through a transparentmethodologythat reflects a diversity of opinions. At a high level, the methodology combines financial performance and opinion data; the financials provide an objective basis on which to place community peer and Gartner analyst/expert votes. The methodology for the Gartner Supply Chain Top 25 is continuously evolving, growing in line with the supply chain profession.

The two parts of the research process in which supply chain companies can proactively participate are as follows:

  • Companies can submit a Supply Chain Request for Information Packet (SCRIP). The SCRIP is completed online and allows companies to provide more specific insights into their supply chain strategies, organizational span and influence; key initiatives; and impacts supply chain has had on the success of the business.

  • Companies can also conduct a one-hour virtual company briefing. A virtual company briefing serves as an opportunity for an interactive session with the Gartner analysts/experts who are voting to discuss their supply chain initiatives in more detail. Companies must have submitted their SCRIP at least two weeks prior to the virtual company briefing.

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