Legal and Compliance

The Top Priorities for Effective Risk Management in 2023

|1 hour

随着2022年接近尾声,法律和合规leaders should reflect on what they’ve learned about risk management over the past twelve months to improve practices and identify key priorities for 2023. The nature of today’s risks requires more from risk management initiatives. Legal and compliance leaders must prioritize additional capabilities to ensure effective management to meet the demands of evolving risks. Join this free legal and compliance webinar to understand the drivers of effective risk management and set goals for 2023.

  • How to identify and track emerging risks

  • Develop efficient risk mitigation strategies

  • How to effectively support corporate strategy and improve corporate decision-making

Return to this web page to watch the webinar. Contact us atgartnerwebinars@gartner.comwith questions about registering or watching.

Hosted by

Daniel Hebda

Sr Director, Advisory

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