Customer Service and Support

Customer Service Leaders, Look Beyond Technology for Knowledge Management ROI

|1 hour

Customer service and support executives and their teams currently concentrate their knowledge management (KM) efforts on implementing the most suitable KM technology. Yet, achieving KM program success requires more than just technology; it requires a vision for your organization’s overall service delivery model. With 63% of leaders reporting that driving adoption and utilization of their KM system is a challenge, Gartner argues that leaders are focusing their efforts in the wrong places. This complimentary customer service and support webinar shares best practices and insights from successful knowledge management programs to help you embed a knowledge management culture within your organization.

  • Identify the key elements your knowledge management strategy needs

  • Incorporate knowledge management practices into overall service delivery

  • Ensure the day-to-day success of your knowledge management program

Return to this web page to watch the webinar. Contact us atgartnerwebinars@gartner.comwith questions about viewing this webinar.

Hosted by

Christine Egli

Director Analyst


Christopher Sladdin

Sr Principal, Advisory


Brian Weber

Director Analyst

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