Customer Service and Support

Reimagine Customer Service & Support to Drive Business Growth

|1 hour

随着企业成长和推出新产品,定制er service and support teams continue to scale to support that growth. Organizations spend 99% of their time thinking about the best way to manage customer demand for service and support, and then reacting to it. Most of that time is spent planning, budgeting, forecasting, scheduling, and performing intraday management. Customer service and support leaders need to look for ways to scale and use all available channels in their redistribution strategy, and determine which channels are best to service which type of demand generators. This complimentary webinar will provide leaders with a system that will help them reimagine customer service and support. This system provides tools that enable leaders to dramatically change the way they think about and deliver service and support to their customers, and cements the strategic role of customer service and support in the organization.

  • Remove customer demand that erodes value

  • Redistribute customer demand to lower your cost of service

  • Restructure your organization to improve customer retention, growth, and advocacy

Return to this web page to watch the webinar. Contact us atgartnerwebinars@gartner.comwith questions about viewing this webinar.

Hosted by

Jennifer MacIntosh

Sr Director Analyst


John Quaglietta

Sr Director Analyst

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