
Avoid the 3 Biggest Pitfalls of Sales Digital Transformation

UPCOMING July 10, 2023
|9:00 a.m. CDT |1 hour

销售领导人常常相信数字交易nsforming the sales organisation means buying technology to simplify business processes. However, focusing only on technology can irritate sellers and make the selling environment more challenging. Join this complimentary Sales webinar to find out how to avoid three major pitfalls of sales digital transformations: 1. The lack of a clear and compelling destination; 2. Using a top-down change management plan, and 3. Underinvesting in the people using the technology.

  • Collect the information you need to develop a compelling vision

  • Analyse how frontline-driven change management enhances adoption of digital sales

  • Find out how your people’s digital dexterity is critical to digital transformation success

Return to this web page to watch the webinar. Contact us atgartnerwebinars@gartner.comwith questions about viewing this webinar.

Hosted by

Doug Bushée

VP Analyst

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