Information Technology

Evolve Enterprise Architecture Into an Internal Management Consultancy

|1 hour

Digital strategy and creating adaptive and resilient organizations are high priorities for many organizations. In an era of frequent disruptions and ever-evolving customer expectations, CIOs, enterprise architecture, and IT leaders must move away from traditional enterprise architecture (EA) toward an internal management consulting approach that combines carefully designed services and delivers them with a consulting methodology. Join this complimentary webinar, where Gartner expert Saul Brand shares how evolving the EA practice into an internal management consultancy supports digital strategy and allows enterprise architecture and technology innovation leaders to deliver tangible business value through EA.

Discussion Topics:
  • Determine what enterprise architecture (EA) as an internal management consultancy means
  • Learn what is needed to reposition EA as a service
  • Understand how to implement EA as a service

Hosted by

Saul Brand

Sr Director Analyst

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