Gartner Research

Roles and Skills to Support Advanced Analytics and AI Initiatives

使用本电子书来定义核心AI和ML的角色,滑雪lls and responsibilities to help align the right skills to the required roles for advanced analytics initiatives.

Analyst:Zain Kahn

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is maturing at a rapid pace. However, data complexity and accessibility, difficulty measuring AI success, and lack of skills of staff remain the top barriers to AI implementation. As a result, the demand for a highly skilled and diverse AI role continues to soar.

This eBook outlines how to:

  • Focuson acquiring and strengthening skills around data management and AI use case determination.

  • Explorethe emerging roles, and key responsibilities, and look to acquire skills on the model monitoring, testing, explainability and ownership front.

  • Define关键角色迎合毫升的每个阶段development life cycle, aligning business goals with long-term ML growth and working together as part of an AI team.

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Align the right skills to the required roles

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