Gartner Expert

John Quaglietta

Sr Director Analyst

John Quaglietta is a Senior Director Analyst for Customer Service and Support Planning and Operations.

Previous experience

Mr. Quaglietta brings over 25+ years of experience in Customer Service, Support and Customer Experience with a focus on strategy, operations, technology, and process. Most recently, he served as Director of Research & Advisory for Customer Success & Support at TSIA where he advised, benchmarked, and researched on key service and success trends and topics. He previously served as VP of Customer Success for Service at Oracle, where he oversaw a team of customer success managers focused on helping clients optimize their digital, self, and assisted service functions and channels. Prior to that he has held numerous leadership roles in customer service, support, success, consulting, and sales. He has led many strategic transformation projects including those focused on service transformation, customer experience, and digital transformation where he has helped many of the Fortune 500 increase market share, product penetration, and revenue, while balancing the cost of acquisition, expansion, and retention.

Professional background


Director of Research & Advisory, Customer Success & Support


Vice President of Customer Success & Value Realization


Sr. Director of Customer Experience & Contact Center Consulting

Areas of coverage

CRM Strategy and Customer Experience

Service and Support Strategy and Leadership

Live Channel Effectiveness (retired)

Self-Service and Digital Channel Effectiveness (retired)

Multichannel Strategy and Design (retired)


BS:运营管理和政治科学,大学versity of Massachusetts

Six Sigma Blackbelt, University of Texas

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Top Issues That I Help Clients Address

1The business case and economic reasons for investing in digital service and service transformation

2How to measure, manage and improve Digital Service - What KPI's and measures should be used to measure and manage digital performance

3How to develop a digital, omnichannel and multichannel service strategy and roadmap

4How to increase customer adoption and retention via proactive support

5How to effectively segment customers, journey map and align service to segment