Gartner for Infrastructure & IT Operations Leaders

Gartner for I&O Leaders delivers forward-thinking insights that help heads of infrastructure and IT operations reinvent how they deliver value for the business.

I want to know more about:

Ignition Guide to Creating a Workforce Development Plan for I&O

Unlock the potential of your IT infrastructure and operations staff by empowering them with new skills and competencies. Equip your team to drive tangible business outcomes and thrive in the face of dynamic business and technology landscapes. Leverage these insights to strategically plan and cultivate your workforce, ensuring they are prepared for the future.

Approaches to Avoid Common Cloud Strategy Pitfalls

Almost every organization uses cloud computing, but many still don’t have a cloud strategy. A cloud strategy isn’t a plan to migrate everything to the cloud. Heads of I&O who do create cloud strategies often make many mistakes — this research explains how to avoid them.

2023 Technology Adoption Roadmap for Infrastructure and Operations

Harness the collective wisdom of your peers to understand deployment plans, adoption timelines, value and risks posed by 57 technologies across core infrastructure domains, including operations, cloud, edge and data center, and digital workplace.

Gartner IT Infrastructure, Operations & Cloud Strategies Conference

Get prepared to be inspired by the world’s leading infrastructure and operations (I&O) leaders and Gartner experts and explore the latest technologies.

Infrastructure and IT operations questions Gartner can help answer

  • i o高管频繁构建战略文件that read like technology adoption roadmaps. Focusing solely on the answers to the operational level “how” and “when” questions neglects the importance of strategic principles and definitions of success. Spend more time on the “why,” by identifying goals and strategic principles, getting the right stakeholders involved in the process, establishing a process for regularly revisiting the document and, potentially, revising the strategy for the future.

  • Strategy documents fail when the goal is not clearly defined or when the defined goals do not connect to what business executives care about. Identify the organizationwide priorities that the IT organization supports, consider how I&O supports those priorities and use this goal cascade to shape the contents of the document.

  • Strategy documents fail when they do not involve and invoke the right people. A good strategy document is clear about the three “whos”: Who is the audience, who is participating in the strategy creation process and who does the strategy document affect?

Cloud skills:Attracting, developing and retaining cloud skills requires continuous effort amid fierce competition for talent.

Workload placement:Resolving “what goes where” confusion is crucial to ensuring strategic workload placement.

Knowledge gaps:Comprehensively analyzing each migration candidate, including its interdependencies, is critical to minimize cloud migration risks.

Cost governance:Cross-functional collaboration is essential to optimize cloud costs.

Gartner delivers actionable, objective insight to executives and their teams.

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