
Develop the Infrastructure Workforce of the Future

|1 hour

In a constantly changing business and technology environment, many infrastructure and operations (I&O) leaders struggle to evolve their workforce to remain competitive. The struggle comes from motivating and empowering their employees to transition to new skills and roles to meet the demands of digital business transformation. How can I&O leaders prevent talent drift and ensure employees’ skills and competencies remain relevant to business objectives? This complimentary webinar will help I&O leaders prioritize future-oriented skills and best practices to create a more adaptive I&O workforce. Plus you’ll learn about Gartner labor market data and practical tactics that have proven successful in world-class infrastructure organizations.

  • Explore how I&O leaders can retain their best people by addressing key attrition drivers

  • Overcome skills shortages through a culture of development in infrastructure organizations

  • Determine how leaders can make their organizations adaptive and forward looking

Return to this web page to watch the webinar. Contact us atgartnerwebinars@gartner.comwith questions about viewing this webinar.

Hosted by

Autumn Stanish

Sr Principal Analyst

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