The Digital IQ Index Genius Brands

Optimize your digital marketing performance with best-in-class inspiration.

What makes up a “Genius Brand”?

Each year, Gartner uses the Digital IQ Index to measure brands’ digital marketing performance across a thousand data points to quantify aptitude and maturity relative to industry peers. This year out of the1,402 brands indexed, only 3% of the brands ranked as Genius.

Understanding what these brands collectively do better than their competitors can help CMOs improve in areas most impactful to their business.

Use this report to:

  • Discoverthis year’s Genius Brands
  • Uncoverthree strategic pillars Genius Brands built success on
  • Learnwhat sets these brands apart
  • Findinspiration to improve digital marketing performance

Discover Gartner Digital IQ Genius Brands

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    The top 45 Genius Brands — and what you can learn from them

    Gartner uses its Digital IQ Index to measure a brand’s digital marketing performance across more than a thousand data points to quantify aptitude and maturity relative to industry peers. The best of the best are Genius Brands. Watch this expert-led webinar on-demand to learn what these brands collectively do better.

    This year’s Digital IQ Index Genius Brands reporthighlights howthe Digital IQ Index, a Gartner proprietary tool, helps clients measure and improve digital performance by:

    • Comparingdigital maturity against the industry and competitors
    • Contextualizingbrand health and investments
    • Informingthe strategic roadmap
    • Identifyingareas for channel optimization
    • Seeingwhere the best-in-class brands invest in digital
    • Visualizingareas of opportunity

    FAQ on Genius Brands

    Gartner measures hundreds of data points across five classes of digital in a quest to quantify a brand’s digital aptitude and digital maturity relative to its industry peers. The best of the best are ranked as Genius Brands.

    For the latest 2022-23 edition of the Gartner Digital IQ Index Genius Brands, Gartner indexed 1,402 brands for the Digital IQ studies across 15 industries. Total scores fell into one of five classes: Genius, Gifted, Average, Challenged and Feeble. Only 45 of the 1,402 brands have earned the Genius rank — just 3% of analyzed brands.