
Orchestrate High-value B2B Buyer Engagement Across Channels

|1 hour

Some 75% of B2B buyers say they prefer a representative-free purchase experience, according to the Gartner 2022 B2B Buyer Survey. It is possible this is a short-sighted, idealistic viewpoint from customers; but it is an undeniable signal that B2B brands must increase their ability to engage buyers through digital channels. Today’s B2B buyer is an omnichannel buyer who engages in a mix of self-service digital and sales representative interactions. CMOs must determine how best to orchestrate high-value buyer engagement across a mix of digital and human channels along the buying journey. This complimentary webinar will help marketing leaders determine the types of interactions that buyers find most valuable, and provide specific actions that marketing teams can take to increase omnichannel B2B buyer value.

  • Create highly valuable digital interactions that support buyer journey progression

  • Enable sellers to augment digital value and deliver high-value customer interactions

  • Integrate marketing and sales processes to deliver a consistent cross-channel experience

Return to this web page to watch the webinar. Contact us atgartnerwebinars@gartner.comwith questions about viewing this webinar.

Hosted by

Rick LaFond

Director Analyst

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