Gartner Research

Bank CIOs: How to Create and Apply a Digital Business Technology Roadmap

A digital business technology roadmap can help deliver the big-picture view of impactful technologies for today and those necessary for the future

Experts:法比奥Chesini Stessa b .科恩达·m·考特尼, Peter D. Delano, Vittorio D’Orazio, Don Free, Jason Malo, Ali Merji, Alistair Newton, Joanne M. Pollitt, Pete Redshaw, Nicole W. Sturgill, Christophe Uzureau

Most financial institutions have a mix of legacy systems that may have been developed in-house, off-the-shelf and customized vendor solutions, and innovative but untested options — all of which make any technology upgrade a complex, difficult and risky proposition.

Gartner’s core banking and investment services research team, in collaborative effort with associated research teams, has created a set of best practices for the development and application of a digital business technology roadmap.

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