Gartner Expert

Andrew White

Distinguished VP Analyst

杰出的分析师安德鲁·怀特和副总裁,有一个primary research focus on the chief data and analytics officer (CDAO) role and responsibility. This includes data and analytics strategy, governance, organization and roles, business value of data and analytics and so on. Andrew is also the Chief of Research, China, where he oversees the research plan for China. He is also the Key Initiative Leader for Data and Analytics for Executive Leaders.

Andrew has held several other roles including Role-Based Research Product Lead, where he helped bring the new CDAO product to market. Before this he was the Chief of Research for Data and Analytics. He has also been Vendor Lead for Oracle Corp. He was the Research leader behind the first ever Master Data Management Summit in 2007, and was conference chair of that event through 2015 as it expanded focus to enterprise information management, and then merged with our Analytics and BI conference to create Data and Analytics.

怀特先生被Gartner Th的收件人ought Leadership Award. The first was in 2006 for his efforts in pioneering Gartner's research in Enterprise Information Management that led to MDM. More recently in 2020 he received the award for his contribution to Data Fabric research. Mr. White's previous coverage areas focused on business applications and best practices in supply chain management (SCM), enterprise resource planning (ERP) and multienterprise B2B collaboration environments.

Previous experience

Prior to joining Gartner, Mr. White was in the software industry for eight years, consulting on SCM/SCP and collaboration (CPFR and CTM) solutions to CPG/retail companies, mainly in the U.S. Mr. White also served on the VICS ( CPFR ( Advisory Committee, where he chaired the Trading Exchange Interoperability subcommittee and previously chaired the n-tier CPFR subcommittee. His last role there was heading up product strategy. Before that, he served in the CPG/retail space in the U.K., where he worked for Elizabeth Arden, a cosmetics company.

Professional background


Vice President, Product Strategy

Elizabeth Arden

Distribution Planning Manager


产品Planning Manager and MRP II Project Leader

Areas of coverage

Data Management Solutions

Analytics, BI and Data Science Solutions

Data and Analytics Programs and Practices

Chief Data and Analytics Officer Leadership


B.A., with honors, Economics

Diploma from BPICS (then the British version of APICS)

Diploma in Industrial Management, Institute of Industrial Management, U.K.

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Top Issues That I Help Clients Address

1The role, skills and scope for the chief data and analytics officer (CDAO, CDO etc.)

2How to build a business-relevant data and analytics strategy and/or operating model

3How to become a data-driven organization and realize the business value of data and analytics

4How to succeed with a business-relevant data and analytics governance or MDM program

5Select technologies for data and analytics governance and stewardship