All Leadership

3 Proven Ways for CXOs to Drive Growth in Uncertain Times

|1 hour

Business growth remains CEOs’ top business priority for 2023, even as uncertainties mount, including inflationary pressures, volatile economic growth rates, environmental sustainability pressures, and geopolitical upheaval. According to the Gartner Understanding Corporate Growth Strategies Survey, 37% of respondents expect to increase revenue by at least 10% this fiscal year. Successful companies improve their growth goals by adopting three practices: strategic diversification, collective leadership, and embedded antifragility. This complimentary webinar will help leaders across the enterprise better understand the approaches and strategies that high-growth enterprises use to deliver strong performance in challenging economic times.

  • Embed antifragile practices into your operating models in the face of uncertainty

  • Exhibit a collective executive responsibility for driving growth

  • Diversify your strategies and asset portfolios of assets

Return to this web page to watch the webinar. Contact us atgartnerwebinars@gartner.comwith questions about viewing this webinar.

Hosted by

David Furlonger

Distinguished VP Analyst, Research Fellow


Dave Aron

VP, Distinguished Analyst

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