
Top Tech Trends: Build Composable Architecture to Overcome Government Legacy IT

|1 hour

Many governments struggle to meet accelerated demands and opportunities due to legacy siloed systems and data stores. To break this mold, leading governments apply a composable architecture. According to Gartner research, by 2025, more than 35% of government legacy applications will be replaced by solutions developed on low-code application platforms and maintained by fusion teams. A modular approach to application architecture lets governments create an adaptive approach to regulatory and legislative changes, and drive continuous improvement and modernization. Join this complimentary government webinar to find out how you can apply modulatory and modern design principles to enable your transition toward composable applications.

  • Exploit rapid advancements in automation and machine learning

  • Establish an application portfolio that supports continuous improvement and modernization

  • Leverage business capability models and risk & opportunity maps to prioritize technology replacement

Return to this web page to watch the webinar. Contact us atgartnerwebinars@gartner.comwith questions about viewing this webinar.

Hosted by

Ben Kaner

Sr Director Analyst

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