Maximize Yield From Your Pipeline Generation Strategy

Foster sales and marketing collaboration to increase returns

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    Sales and marketing misalignment results in wasted efforts and resources and creates inefficiency in pipeline-generating functions.

    Your pipeline generation strategy must foster collaboration between sales and marketing to increase pipeline volume and quality.

    Download this guide to:

    • Understandhow sales and marketing can come together to improve pipeline generation strategy
    • Buildan ideal customer profile to collaborate on accounts to target
    • Createmessaging based on buyers' challenges
    • Reviewmetrics to improve pipeline generation

    About this Pipeline Generation Research

    We surveyed both CSOs and CMOs to inform the findings in this guide about pipeline generation strategy. In the survey, nearly half of CSOs indicated that their most critical initiative is accelerating early pipeline and lead generation, while marketing leaders ranked marketing qualified leads and sales qualified leads as their second and third most important metrics.