Data-Driven Decision Making is Critical to Create Business Value

Better business decisions happen when business, data and analytics, and other IT leaders work together

5 Key Actions for IT Leaders for Effective Decision Making

Progressive leaders reengineer data and analytics to turn decision making into a competitive advantage.

This Gartner eBook shows you the power and potential of reengineered decision making and guides you to:

  • Identifywhat decisions to reengineer, and why
  • Prioritizedecisions, analytics and data
  • Fitartificial intelligence into decision making
  • Rethinkyour D&A architecture
  • Buildskills, habits and teams geared for effective decision making

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    CIOs need to go beyond thinking and talking about information as the new oil. Information has unique economic characteristics that render it potentially much more valuable to their business than any fossil fuel.

    Douglas Laney

    Vice President and Distinguished Analyst, Gartner

    The role of IT and business leaders in establishing data driven decision making

    Business leaders seeking to accelerate their digital business aspirations will need to consider how they (and their organization) make decisions. Digital aspirations will be scaled when the organization can take advantage of the ability to make more connected decisions that are more contextualized and operate in a continuous manner.

    Leaders throughout the business and across IT need to work together - each bringing their unique competencies to support the breadth and depth of the art and science of decision making strategy.

    Striving to Become a Data-Driven Organization? Start With 5 Key Data and Analytics Initiatives

    Gartner’s Essential Guides for Effective Decision Makingare designed to help you create business value by reengineering how your business makes decisions. Each guide provides data-driven, actionable insights, focused on how you can prepare, establish and engage your key stakeholders while also sharing some critical tips for delivery from our experts.

    Top 3 Strategic Priorities for Data and Analytics

    数据和分析对于改善执行是至关重要的utives and business roles take decisions, and that is a business competency that helps scale digital ambition. However, challenges continue to force Data and Analytics leaders to course-correct, and adjust plans; 2022 will be no different in this regard. This Leadership Vision highlights several best practices being employed by CDAOs and equivalent D&A leaders.

    Over 100 Data and Analytics Predictions Through 2025

    Data and analytics have become a primary driver of business strategy yet, for many organizations, the ability to “think in data” is still difficult. Gartner annual predictions disclose the varied importance of D&A across an ever-widening range of business and IT initiatives. Consider these strategic planning assumptions to enhance your vision and delivery.

    Enhance your Roadmap for Data and Analytics Governance

    A traditional approach to data and analytics governance cannot deliver the value, scale and speed that digital business demands. Gartner has compiled data governance best practices into a customizable roadmap that will help data and analytics leaders establish mature data based decision making strategies.


    The Role of Data and Analytics in Smarter Decision Making

    Progressive data and analytics (D&A) leaders are shifting the conversation away from tools and technology toward decision-making as a business competency. Learn the different ways in which decisions are made within organizations and get practical steps to improve the quality of your decision-making, in this complimentary webinar.

    Gartner Data & Analytics Summit

    Join the world's most important gathering of data and analytics leaders along with Gartner experts and adapt to the changing role of data and analytics.

    Gartner isa trusted advisor andan objective resource for more than 15,000 enterprises in 100+ countries.

    Learn more about how we can help you achieve your mission-critical priorities.