Supply Chain Top 25
Climate Change Leadership

Explore the climate change response of the
top 25 supply chain leaders.

Climate change is having a rapid impact on how supply chains operate. Chief supply chain officers (CSCOs) who take proactive measures to address the effects of climate change have the potential to create a competitive advantage.

According to our recent study, more than90% of theGartner Supply Chain Top 25are implementing TCFD requirements (Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures).

How can you model theirclimate change mitigation and adaptation strategiesto your business? How do you build thebusiness case for climate change leadershipin the supply chain?

Download the infographicto explore thetwo actionsthat the top 25 supply chain leaders are taking in response to climate change:

  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the supply chain.
  • Future-proof the supply chain through climate adaptation.

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Explore the two actions supply chain leaders are taking.

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