IDN Supply Chain Metrics Benchmarking

Explore two key opportunities for healthcare providers.

Most integrated delivery networks (IDNs) do not measure end-to-end (E2E) supply chain performance. Obtaining and analyzing supply chain data across all spend on products and services from third parties is challenging, as is collecting data on the people, technology and infrastructure costs to serve.

Gartner Hierarchy of IDN Supply Chain Metrics benchmarkingmeasures the E2E supply chain performance at healthcare providers. Analysis of the IDN supply chain benchmarking data revealstwo key opportunities:

  1. Optimize supply chain costsas a percentage of IDN operating costs.
  2. Use sourcing metricssuch as span of control and contracting ratio to increase focus and investment on supply chain.

Download the report探索these opportunities and review expert recommendations on how IDN supply chain leaders can drive performance improvement through Gartner IDN Supply Chain Benchmarking.

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    The Gartner Hierarchy of IDN Supply Chain Metrics

    The Gartner Hierarchy of IDN Supply Chain Metrics is an seven-metric benchmark database that enables IDN supply chain leaders to compare key supply chain performance metrics with their peers.

    Unlike other supply chain benchmarking methodologies that compare metrics in isolation, the Gartner benchmarking methodology looks at the interdependencies between metrics to identify improvement opportunities and make better business trade-offs between quality, cost and service.

    Read our latest blogto explore key learnings from the 2022 IDN Supply Chain Benchmarks.

    How to participate:

    TheGartner IDN supply chain benchmarkingdata collection will occur annually. The submission period will open late summer and close November 30, 2023.

    ContactSCBenchmarking@gartner.comto inquire about participating in Gartner IDN Supply Chain Benchmarking.