Supply Chain

The Future of Supply Chain 2023: Roadmap to Reinvention

|1 hour

Supply chain plans tell us what people are doing, but how do we know if they are doing the right things? In five years, 80% to 90% of all supply chains plan to adopt the key components of four reinventions: commercial innovation, achieving sustainability outcomes, real-time decision execution and human-centric work design. Fundamentally, supply chains must always focus on these topics as they align to our stakeholders’ expectations which are supporting growth, competing for scarce talent and meeting speed and sustainability expectations. Each reinvention provides a vision for where to innovate over the next five years to improve outcomes important to every supply chain. Excelling in these areas can help make you an equal strategic partner within the C-suite. Join this free supply chain webinar to guide your transformation roadmap over the next three to five years, and position your organization as one of the most high-performing and strategically important supply chains of the future.

  • Prioritize your transformation roadmap for the next 3-5 years

  • Understand how your peers plan to meet stakeholders expectations

  • Explore how to create competitive advantage

Return to this web page to watch the webinar. Contact us atgartnerwebinars@gartner.comwith questions about viewing this webinar.

Hosted by

Jennifer Loveland

Sr Director Analyst

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