Supply Chain

Reshape the Future Workforce to Support Smart Manufacturing

|1 hour

Smart manufacturing does not destroy jobs; it changes them and creates new ones. Digital trends, automation and pandemic-related shifts placed factory work in a constant state of change and flux. Compounding the issue, 57% of companies report their organizations lack the skilled workers they need to support future digitization initiatives. Reshaping manufacturing’s frontline is as much a technology initiative as it is an exercise in workforce development and continuous improvement. This complimentary webinar looks at the expectations that manufacturers have for their future factory workforces and the steps you can take to support smart manufacturing.

Return to this web page to watch the webinar. Contact us atgartnerwebinars@gartner.comwith questions about watching.

Discussion Topics:
  • Understand the expectations manufacturers have for their future factory workforces
  • Advance learning and development to meet the rapidly changing core and role-specific skills
  • Get tactics to bolster employee engagement on short and long-term horizons

Hosted by

Simon Jacobson

VP Analyst, KI Leader

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