Supply Chain

How the Global Supply Chain Top 25 Leaders are Operating More Sustainably

|1 hour

Today’s supply chain leaders have no shortage of pressing priorities: digitally transform, design for resilience, and stay ahead of ever-shifting customer expectations. Sustainability is steadily moving up this list of priorities, which is forcing organizations to re-think how to be successful on multiple fronts simultaneously. This complimentary supply chain webinar will explore how Gartner’s global Supply Chain Top 25 supply chains are taking bold and creative approaches to solve the challenges of operating more sustainably in pursuit of achieving their companies goals.

  • Identify and seize new opportunities

  • Drive collective progress

  • Transform how organizations work

Return to this web page to watch the webinar. Contact us atgartnerwebinars@gartner.comwith questions about viewing this webinar.

Hosted by

Laura Rainier

Sr Director Analyst


Kevin Lawrence

Director Analyst


Lindsay Azim

Director Analyst

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